The XC2C128-7VQG100C is a CoolRunner-II 128-macrocell Device designed for both high performance and low power applications. This lends power savings to high-end communication equipment and high speed to battery operated devices. Due to the low power stand-by and dynamic operation, overall system reliability is improved. This device consists of eight function blocks inter-connected by a low power advanced interconnect matrix (AIM). The AIM feeds 40 true and complement inputs to each function block. The function blocks consist of a 40 by 56 P-term PLA and 16 macro-cells which contain numerous configuration bits that allow for combinational or registered modes of operation.
As fast as 5.7ns pin-to-pin delays
As low as 13μA quiescent current
Optimized architecture for effective logic synthesis
Fastest in system programming
Optional Schmitt-trigger input (per pin)
Unsurpassed low power management
Two separate I/O banks
Real digital 100% CMOS product term generation
Flexible clocking modes
Global signal options with macrocell control
Advanced design security
Open-drain output option for wired-OR and LED drive