IC-744885 is a development platform for Energy Harvesting Solution To Go which provides a very easy access to energy harvesting technologies. The transfer of this solution to the development of a batteryless product is made easy by providing the selection of the right components, schematics and software examples. The application of the highest efficient components in the market allow to utilize the precious harvested energy for the application. ?The two basic parts of the kits are an energy harvesting board and the Giant Gecko starter kit. There are four voltage converters of Linear Technology on the multi source energy harvesting board. These are optimized for the different energy sources like for solar, electromagnetic, piezo electric or thermal energy converters. The energy harvesting board offers solar cell and a thermo generator as an integrated energy sources to start the evaluation immediately.
- EFM32 Giant Gecko starter kit provides evaluation of energy friendly EFM32 Gecko family MCU
- On board EFM32GG990F1024 with ARM Cortex M3
- Debugging with a SEGGER J-Link debugger
- Energy debugging with an integrated Advanced Energy Monitoring (AEM) with voltage monitoring
- 4 harvesters for different source types ?
- On board solar cell and thermo electric generator ?
- Connectors for optional external generators ?
电源管理, 工业, 系统监控, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 安全, 替代能源