The MAL213818471E3 is an axial leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor with cylindrical aluminum case and a blue sleeve insulation. Suitable for smoothing, filtering, buffering in SMPS, coupling, decoupling, vibration-/shock-resistant low mounting height boards and stand-by applications.
- Polarized aluminum electrolytic capacitor, non-solid electrolyte
- Miniaturized, high CV-product per unit volume
- High ripple current capability
- 860mA at 100Hz/105°C Rated RMS ripple current
- 63μA (after 5 minutes) Maximum leakage current
- 0.160R at 10/100kHz Maximum impedance
工业, 车用, 通信与网络, 时钟与计时, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品