The DG2731DQ-T1-E3 is a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) dual monolithic CMOS Analog Switch designed for high performance switching of analog signals. It combines low-power, high speed, low on-resistance and small package size. It has an operation range from 1.6 to 4.3V single supply. The DG2731 has two separate control pins with reverse control logic. It is 1.6V logic compatible, allowing the easy interface with low voltage DSP or MCU control logic and ideal for one cell Li-ion battery direct power. The switch conducts signals within power rails equally well in both directions when on and blocks up to the power supply level when off. Break-before-make is guaranteed. The DG2731 is built on Siliconix's sub-micron CMOS low voltage process technology and provides greater than 300mA latch-up protection, as tested per JESD78.
- Reduced power consumption
- High accuracy
- Reduce board space
- TTL/1.6V Logic compatible
- Fast switching
- Low on-resistance
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