The DG2011DXA-T1-E3 is a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) low-voltage low on-resistance monolithic Analog Switch designed for low voltage applications with guaranteed operation at 2V. The DG2011 is ideal for requiring high performance and efficient use of board space. In additional to the low on-resistance (1.8R at 2.7V), charge injection is less than 10pC over the entire analog range. The switch conducts equally well in both directions when on and blocks up to the power supply level when off. It is built on Vishay Siliconix's low voltage JI2 process. An epitaxial layer prevents latch-up. Break-before-make is guaranteed. It represents a breakthrough in packaging development for analog switching products. As a committed partner to the community and the environment, Vishay Siliconix manufactures this product with the lead (Pb)-free device terminations.
- Low charge injection
- Low voltage logic compatible
- Reduced power consumption
- Simple logic interface
- High accuracy
- Reduce board space
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