The VCA822ID is a DC-coupled wideband linear in V/V continuously variable voltage-controlled Gain Amplifier provides a differential input to single-ended conversion with a high-impedance gain control input used to vary the gain down 40dB from the nominal maximum gain set by the gain resistor (RG) and feedback resistor (RF). The internal architecture of the VCA822 device consists of two input buffers and an output current feedback amplifier stage integrated with a multiplier core to provide a complete variable gain amplifier (VGA) system that does not require external buffering. The maximum gain is set externally with two resistors, providing flexibility in designs. The maximum gain is intended to be set between +2 and +100V/V. Operating from ±5V supplies, the gain control voltage for the VCA822 device adjusts the gain linearly in V/V as the control voltage varies from +1 to 1V. The VCA822 device offers excellent gain linearity.