The UCD3138CC64EVM-030 evaluation module functions as a control card for UCD3138 digital controller for isolated power applications. The EVM can be used either as a stand alone board to study the UCD3138 device or as a control card for implementing a fully regulated power converter based on topologies such as PFC, half bridge resonant LLC and phase shift full bridge. This is implemented by downloading the appropriate firmware into the UCD3138 device in the EVM and establishing interface with a suitable power stage board from the end user. In order to assist in the evaluation of common isolated power topologies, evaluation module has been designed to interface seamlessly with the UCD3138PFCEVM-026 digital PFC pre regulator EVM.
40pin digital signal connector to connect digital signals to power converters
40pin analog signal connector to connect analog signals to power converters
JTAG connector
LED indicator
PMBus connector to PC computer connection through USB to GPIO adapter
Test points to facilitate the device evaluation, system design, and circuit and firmware debugging