The UC3852NG4 is a high Power Factor Preregulator provides active power-factor correction for systems that would otherwise draw high peak current pulses from AC power lines. This circuit implements zero-current switched boost conversion, producing sinusoidal input currents with a minimum of external components, while keeping peak current substantially below that of fully-discontinuous converters. It provides controlled switch on-time to regulate the output bulk DC voltage, an off-time defined by the boost inductor and a zero-current sensing circuit to reactivate the switch cycle. Even though switching frequency varies with both load and instantaneous line voltage, it can be maintained within a reasonable range to minimize noise generation. While allowing higher peak switch currents than continuous PFCs such as the pre-regulator, this device offers less external circuitry and smaller inductors, yet better performance and easier line-noise filtering than discontinuous current PFCs.
- >0.99 Power factor
- Few external parts required
- Controlled on-time boost PWM
- Zero-current switching
- Limited peak current
- Minimum and maximum frequency limits
- <1mA Starting current
- High-current FET drive output
- Under-voltage lockout
- Green product and no Sb/Br