The UC3526NG4 is a high-performance monolithic Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) designed for fixed-frequency switching regulators and other power control applications. It has temperature compensated voltage reference, sawtooth oscillator, error amplifier, pulse width modulator, pulse metering and setting logic and two low impedance power drivers. Also included are protective features such as soft-start and under-voltage lockout, digital current limiting, double pulse inhibit, a data latch for single pulse metering, adjustable dead-time and provision for symmetry correction inputs. For ease of interface, all digital control ports are TTL and B-series CMOS compatible. Active LOW logic design allows wired-OR connections for maximum flexibility. This versatile device can be used to implement single-ended or push-pull switching regulators of either polarity, both transformerless and transformer coupled.
- Digital current limiting
- Double pulse suppression
- Programmable deadtime
- Under-voltage lockout
- Single pulse metering
- Programmable soft-start
- Wide current limit common mode range
- TTL/CMOS Compatible logic ports
- Symmetry correction capability
- Guaranteed 6 unit synchronization
- Green product and no Sb/Br