The TPS386000RGPT is a quad-supply Voltage Supervisor with active-low open-drain output and manual reset input. The supply voltage supervisor (SVSs) can monitor four power rails that are greater than 0.4V and one power rail less than 0.4V (including negative voltage) with a 0.25% (typical) threshold accuracy. Each of the four supervisory circuits (SVS-n) assert a RESETn or RESETn output signal when the SENSEm input voltage drops below the programmed threshold. With external resistors, the threshold of each SVS-n can be programmed (where n=1, 2, 3, 4 and m=1, 2, 3, 4L, 4H). Each SVS-n has a programmable delay before releasing RESETn or RESETn. The delay time can be set independently for each SVS from 1.4ms to 10s through the CTn pin connection. Only SVS-1 has an active-low manual reset (MR) input, a logic-low input to MR asserts RESET1 or RESET1.
- Watchdog timer with dedicated output
- Well-controlled output during power-up
- 0.25% Typical threshold accuracy
- 11μA Typical very low quiescent current
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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