The TPS3702CX33DDCT is a high-accuracy fixed-threshold Over-voltage and Under-voltage Monitor with open-drain output. It is ideal for systems that operate on low-voltage supply rails and have narrow margin supply tolerances. Low threshold hysteresis options of 0.55% and 1% prevent false reset signals when the monitored voltage supply is in its normal range of operation. Internal glitch immunity and noise filters further eliminate false resets resulting from erroneous signals. The TPS3702 does not require any external resistors for setting over-voltage and under-voltage reset thresholds, which further increases overall accuracy and reduces solution size. The SET pin is used to select between the two available threshold voltages designed into each device. A separate SENSE input pin and VDD pin allow for the redundancy sought by safety-critical and high-reliability systems.
- Internal glitch immunity
- Threshold adjust using the SET pin
- 7μA Typical low quiescent current
- Green product and no Sb/Br
工业, 建筑自动化, 消费电子产品, 电机驱动与控制, 电源管理