The TPS3510D is a 3-channel Supervisory Circuit with active-low open-drain output. It is designed to minimize external components of personal-computer switching power supply systems. It provides protection circuits, power good indicator, fault protection output (/FPO) and (/PSON) control. Over-voltage protection (OVP) monitors 3.3, 5 and 12V (12V signal detects via VDD pin). Under-voltage protection (UVP) monitors 3.3 and 5V. When an OV or UV condition is detected, the power good output (PGO) is set to low and (/FPO) is latched high. (/PSON) from low to high resets the protection latch. UVP function is enabled 75ms after (/PSON) is set low and debounced. Furthermore, there is a 2.3ms delay (and an additional 38ms debounce) at turnoff. There is no delay during turn-on.
Fault protection output
Over-voltage sense
Open-drain power good output signal for power good input, 3.3 and 5V