The TPS2051CDBVEVM-636 is an evaluation module for TPS2051C device. It can also evaluates TPS20XXCDBV series of single channel, current limited USB power distribution switches. The board contains input and output connectors as well as control jumpers to ease evaluation of device features. The TPS20xxC and TPS20xxC-2 power distribution switch family is intended for applications such as USB where heavy capacitive loads and short circuits are likely to be encountered. This family offers multiple devices with fixed current limit thresholds for applications between 0.5A and 2A. The TPS20xxC and TPS20xxC-2 family limits the output current to a safe level by operating in a constant current mode when the output load exceeds the current limit threshold. This provides a predictable fault current under all conditions. The fast overload response time eases the burden on the main 5V supply to provide regulated power when the output is shorted.
Current limited, power distribution switches (0.5A)