The TPL7407LPWR is a 7-channel high-voltage/high-current NMOS Transistor Array for use with logic level shifting. This device consists of seven NMOS transistors that feature high-voltage outputs with common-cathode clamp diodes for switching inductive loads. The maximum drain-current rating of a single NMOS channel is 600mA. New regulation and drive circuitry added to give maximum drive strength across all GPIO ranges (1.8 to 5V).The transistor can be paralleled for higher current capability. The TPL7407Ls key benefit is its improved power efficiency and lower leakage than a bipolar Darlington implementation. With the lower VOL the user is dissipating less than half the power than traditional relay driver with currents less than 250mA per channel.
Internal free-wheeling diodes for inductive kick-back protection
Input pull-down resistors allows tri-stating the input driver
Input RC-snubber to eliminate spurious operation in noisy environment