The TMS320VC33PGE-120 is a 32-bit Floating-point Processor manufactured in 0.18μm four-level-metal CMOS (Timeline) technology. The TMS320C3x's internal busing and special digital-signal-processing instruction set have the speed and flexibility to execute up to 150 million floating-point operations per second (MFLOPS). The TMS320VC33 optimizes speed by implementing functions in hardware that other processors implement through software or microcode. This hardware-intensive approach provides performance previously unavailable on a single chip. The TMS320VC33 can perform parallel multiply and ALU operations on integer or floating-point data in a single cycle. Each processor also possesses a general-purpose register file, a program cache, dedicated ARAUs, internal dual-access memories, one DMA channel supporting concurrent I/O and a short machine-cycle time. High performance and ease of use are the results of these features.
- Four internally decoded page strobes to simplify interface to I/O and memory devices
- Boot-program loader
- EDGEMODE Selectable external interrupts
- Eight extended-precision registers
- Direct memory access (DMA) coprocessor for concurrent I/O and CPU operation
- Two low-power modes
- Two and three operand instructions
- Parallel arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) and multiplier execution in a single cycle
- Block-repeat capability
- Zero-overhead loops with single-cycle branches
- Conditional calls and returns
- Interlocked instructions for multiprocessing support
- Bus-control registers configure strobe-control wait-state generation
- Green product and no Sb/Br