The TMDSEVM6657LS is a TMS320C6657 lite evaluation module. It is an easy to use, cost efficient development tool that helps developers quickly get started with designs using the C6657 or C6655 or C6654 family of DSPs. The evaluation module includes an onboard, single TMS320C6657 processor with robust connectivity options that allows customers to use this AMC form factor card in various systems. The TMS320C6657 DSP is a highest performance fixed/floating point DSP that is based on KeyStone multicore architecture. The module also works as a standalone board. The software accompanying the 6657LS EVM includes Code Composer Studio CCS v5, and multicore software development kit (MCSDK). The TMDSEVM6657LS evaluation module comes with XDS200 emulation capability. In addition, an external emulator via JTAG emulation header can be also be used.
- Multicore shared memory controller (MSMC)
- Multicore navigator
- Hardware accelerators
- Two multichannel buffered serial ports (McBSP)
- Universal parallel port
- SPI interface
- Supports connections to other keyStone
- Architecture devices providing resource scalability
- 32bit DDR3 interface
- Two UART interfaces
医用, 成像, 视频和目视, 测试与测量, 自动化与过程控制, 国防, 军用与航空, 消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 无线, 通信与网络, 成像, 视频和目视