The TLV320DAC3202EVM is a low power high fidelity I2S input headset evaluation module. The TLV320DAC3202 is a CMOS, monolithic, integrated circuit which includes stereo digital to analog converters, headset amplifiers, and power management support circuitry in small 20 pin wafer chip scale package(WCSP). The data converters use enhanced multilevel architecture, which employs noise shaping and multilevel amplitude quantization to achieve excellent dynamic performance and improved tolerance to clock jitter. The device accepts several industry standard audio data formats with 16bit to 24bitit data, left justified, I2S, etc., providing easy interfacing to audio DSP and decoder devices. Sampling rates up to 48KHz are supported. A full set of user programmable functions is accessible through a standardised two wire I2C serial control port, which supports register write functions.
- Ground referenced click pop free Class G stereo headset
- 1VRMS at the headset driver output, per channel, in phase
- 100dB(A) headset channel SNR with 6.5mW of power dissipation
- Less then ± 0.5mV click/pop noise (A-weighted)
- 8KHz, 11.025KHz, 12KHz, 16KHz, 24KHz, 32KHz, 44.1KHz & 48KHz sample rates supported
- I2C interface for digital control
- Supports 16bit, 20bit, 24bit and 32bit data width
- Supports standard I2S, PCM, left and right justified formats
- Supports data mixing with gain options
- Internal clock derived from I2S BCLK clocking
便携式器材, 业余爱好与教育用, 音频, 消费电子产品