The TLV2371IDBVT is a Single Supply Operational Amplifier provides rail-to-rail input and output capability. The TLV2371IDBVT takes the minimum operating supply voltage down to 2.7V over the extended industrial temperature range while adding the rail-to-rail output swing feature. The TLV2371IDBVT also provides 3MHz bandwidth from only 550μA. The maximum recommended supply voltage is 16V, which allows the devices to be operated from (±8V supplies down to ±1.35V) a variety of rechargeable cells. The CMOS inputs enable use in high-impedance sensor interfaces, with the lower voltage operation making an ideal alternative for the TLC227x in battery-powered applications. The rail-to-rail input stage further increases its versatility. The TLV2371IDBVT is the seventh member of a rapidly growing number of RRIO products available from TI and it is the first to allow operation up to 16V rails with good AC performance.
Rail-to-rail input/output
3MHz Wide bandwidth
2.4V/μs High slew rate
550μA Supply current per channel
IDD(SHDN) 25μA Low power shutdown mode per channel