The TLV2211CDBVT is a single low-voltage Operational Amplifier for use with battery-power applications. The device exhibits rail-to-rail output performance for increased dynamic range in single- or split-supply applications. The TLV2211 is fully characterized at 3 and 5V and is optimized for low-voltage applications. The TLV2211 exhibiting high input impedance and low noise, is excellent for small-signal conditioning for high-impedance sources, such as piezoelectric transducers. Because of the MicroPower dissipation levels combined with 3V operation, this device works well in hand-held monitoring and remote-sensing applications. In addition, the rail-to-rail output feature with single or split supplies makes this family a great choice when interfacing with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs).
Output swing includes both supply rails
Common-mode input voltage range includes negative rail