The TLC548CD is a CMOS Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) integrated circuits built around an 8-bit switched-capacitor successive-approximation ADC. This device is designed for serial interface with a microprocessor or peripheral through a 3-state data output and an analog input. The ADC uses only the input/output clock input along with the chip select input for data control. The maximum I/O CLOCK input frequency of the ADC is 2.048MHz. Operation of the ADC is very similar to that of the more complex TLC540 and TLC541 devices, however this provides an on-chip system clock that operates typically at 4MHz and requires no external components. The on-chip system clock allows internal device operation to proceed independently of serial input/output data timing and permits manipulation of the TLC548 as desired for a wide range of software and hardware requirements.
Microprocessor peripheral or stand-alone operation
Differential reference input voltages
On-chip software-controllable sample-and-hold function