The PGA2310UAG4 is a ±15V Stereo Audio Volume Control designed for professional and high-end consumer audio systems. The ability to operate from ±15V analogue power supplies enables the PGA2310 to process input signals with large voltage swings, thereby preserving the dynamic range available in the overall signal path. Using high performance operational amplifier stages internal to the PGA2310 yields low noise and distortion, while providing the capability to drive 600 loads directly without buffering. The three wire serial control interface allows for connection to a wide variety of host controllers. In addition to support for daisy chaining of multiple PGA2310 devices.
- Digitally controlled analogue volume control
- 0.0004% THD + N at 1kHz Low noise and distortion
- Noise free level transitions
- Green product and no Sb/Br
便携式器材, 音频, 通信与网络, 消费电子产品, 信号处理