The PCM1792DB is a monolithic CMOS stereo Digital-to-analog Converters (DAC) support circuitry. The data converter uses TIs advanced segment DAC architecture to achieve excellent dynamic performance and improved tolerance to clock jitter. The PCM1792 provides balanced current outputs, allowing the user to optimize analog performance externally. The PCM1792 accepts PCM and DSD audio data formats, providing easy interfacing to audio DSP and decoder chips. The PCM1792 also accepts to interface external digital filter devices. Sampling rates up to 200kHz are supported. A full set of user-programmable functions is accessible through an SPI or I2C serial control port, which supports register write and read-back functions. The PCM1792 also supports the time division multiplexed command and audio (TDMCA) data format.
- 8x Oversampling digital filter
- DSD Format interface
- TDMCA or Serial port
- User-programmable mode controls
- Digital de-emphasis
- Soft mute
- Zero flags for each output
- 5V Tolerant digital inputs
- Green product and no Sb/Br
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