The OPA551FAKTWT is a high-voltage high-current Operational Amplifier is unity-gain stable and features high slew rate and wide bandwidth. It is suitable for telephony, audio, servo and test applications. The laser-trimmed, monolithic integrated circuits provide excellent low-level accuracy along with high output swing. High performance is maintained as the amplifier swings to its specified limits. The OPA551 is internally protected against over-temperature conditions and current overloads. The thermal shutdown indicator flag provides a current output to alert the user when thermal shutdown has occurred.
- 200mA Continuous high output current
- 14nV/√Hz Low noise
- Thermal shutdown and output current-limited fully protected
- Thermal shutdown indicator
- 2V From rail wide output swing
便携式器材, 测试与测量, 音频, 自动化与过程控制