The MSP430FR6989IPZ is a 16-bit ultra-low-power Mixed-signal Microcontroller features an embedded FRAM non-volatile memory, powerful 16-bit RISC MSP430 CPU and different peripherals. The architecture showcases seven low-power modes, which are optimized to achieve extended battery life. FRAM is a new non-volatile memory that combines the speed, flexibility and endurance of SRAM with the stability and reliability of flash, all at lower total power consumption. The device configurations with five 16-bit timers, 12-bit A/D converter, liquid crystal display driver, a 16-channel comparator with voltage reference generation, a hardware multiplier and 83 general-purpose I/O pins. This device operates at a maximum frequency of 16MHz.
Ultra-low-power ferroelectric RAM (FRAM)
32-bit Hardware multiplier (MPY)
3-channel internal DMA
Real-time clock (RTC) with calendar and alarm functions
Five 16-bit timers with up to 3 Capture/Compare registers
16-bit and 32-bit Cyclic redundancy checker (CRC16, CRC32)
Extended scan interface (ESI) for background water, heat and gas volume measurement
12-bit ADC with internal reference and sample-and-hold and up to 16 external input channels
Integrated LCD driver with contrast control for up to 320 segments
Multifunction Input/output ports
256-bit AES Security encryption and decryption coprocessor
True random number seed for random number generation algorithm
UART with automatic baud-rate detection
IrDA Encoder and decoder
SPI at rates up to 10Mbps
I2C with multiple-slave addressing
Hardware UART and I2C bootstrap loader (BSL)
Fixed-frequency DCO with six selectable factory-trimmed frequencies