The MSP430F5259IRGCT is a 16-bit ultra-low-power Mixed-signal Microcontroller features a powerful 16-bit RISC MSP430 CPU, 16-bit registers and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. Using an "always-on" ultra-low-power system controller can significantly reduce power consumption on portable devices like handsets and tablets. This controller can act as sensor hubs and monitor user stimuli and vital system parameters like battery health and temperature, while power-hungry application processors and touch screen controllers are turned off. The microcontroller can then "wake up" the system based on an user input or on a fault condition that requires CPU intervention. The device configurations with four 16-bit timer, 10-bit A/D converter, three-channel internal DMA, a 8-channel comparator, a 32-bit hardware multiplier and 53 general-purpose I/O pins. This device operates at a maximum frequency of 25MHz.
- Wake up from standby mode in 3.5μs (typical)
- 16-bit RISC architecture, extended memory, up to 25MHz system clock
- Fully integrated LDO with programmable regulated core supply voltage
- Supply voltage supervision, monitoring and brownout
- FLL Control loop for frequency stabilization
- Low-power low-frequency internal clock source (VLO)
- Low-frequency trimmed internal reference source (REFO)
- 32kHz Crystals (XT1)
- High-frequency crystals up to 25MHz (XT1)
- 16-bit Timer TA0, Timer_A with five Capture/Compare registers
- 16-bit Timer TA1, Timer_A with three Capture/Compare registers
- 16-bit Timer TA2, Timer_A with three Capture/Compare registers
- 16-bit Timer TB0, Timer_B with seven Capture/Compare shadow registers
- Enhanced UART with automatic baud-rate detection
- IrDA Encoder and decoder
- Synchronous SPI
- 10-bit ADC with internal reference, sample-and-hold
- Serial on-board programming
- No external programming voltage needed
- Basic timer with RTC
便携式器材, 测试与测量, 消费电子产品, 传感与仪器, 自动化与过程控制, 电源管理, 无线, 时钟与计时