The MSC1200Y3PFBT is a precision Analog-to-digital Converter (ADC) with 8051 microcontroller and flash memory. The device accepts differential or single-ended signals directly from a transducer. The ADC provides 24-bit of resolution and no-missing-code performance using a Sinc3 filter with a programmable sample rate. The ADC also has a selectable filter that allows for high-resolution, single-cycle conversions. The microcontroller core is an optimized 8051 core that executes up to three times faster than the standard 8051 core, given the same clock source. This design makes it possible to run the device at a lower external clock frequency and achieve the same performance at lower power than the standard 8051 core. It allows users to uniquely configure the flash memory map to meet the needs of their applications. The Flash is programmable down to 2.7V using serial programming. Flash endurance is typically 1M Erase/Write cycles.
- Precision on-chip voltage reference
- 8 Differential/single-ended channels
- On-chip offset/gain calibration
- On-chip temperature sensor
- Selectable buffer input
- Signal-source open-circuit detect
- Dual data pointer
- Flash memory security
- Programmable watchdog timer
- Power management control
自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器, 医用, 便携式器材, 消费电子产品