The LMH6642MA is a low power voltage feedback Operational Amplifier with rail-to-rail output. It offers high speed (130MHz), low distortion (-62dBc) and exceptionally high output current (approximately 75mA) and with reduced power consumption when compared against existing devices with similar performance. Input common-mode voltage range extends to 0.5V below V- and 1V from V+. Output voltage range extends to within 40mV of either supply rail, allowing wide dynamic range especially desirable in low voltage applications. The output stage is capable of approximately 75mA in order to drive heavy loads. Fast output slew rate (130V/μs) ensures large peak-to-peak output swings can be maintained even at higher speeds, resulting in exceptional full power bandwidth of 40MHz with a 3V supply. This along with fast settling time (68ns) and low distortion allows the device to operate well in ADC buffer and high frequency filter applications as well as other applications.
- Output short-circuit protected
- No output phase reversal with CMVR exceeded
- Output voltage swing 40mV from rails
- 2.7mA/amplifier Supply current (no load)
- +115 to 145mA Output short-circuit current
- 17nV/√Hz Input voltage noise (100kHz)
- 0.9pA/√Hz Input current noise (100kHz)
- -62dBc THD (5MHz, RL=2kR, VO=2VPP, AV=+2)
- 68ns Settling time
- 100ns Overdrive recovery
- Green product and no Sb/Br
信号处理, 传感与仪器, 成像, 视频和目视, 便携式器材