The LMH1980MM/NOPB is an auto-detecting SD/HD/PC Video Sync Separator accepts an analogue video input signal with either bi-level or tri-level sync and automatically detects the video format, eliminating the need for external RSET resistor adjustment required by other sync separators. The outputs provide timing signals in CMOS logic, including composite, horizontal and vertical syncs, burst/back porch timing and odd/even field outputs. The HD flag output (pin 5) provides a logic low signal only when a valid HD video input with tri-level sync is detected. The HD flag can be used to disable an external switch-controlled SD chroma filter when HD video is detected or enable it when SD video is detected. For non-standard video with bi-level sync and without vertical serration pulses, a default vertical sync pulse will be output and no horizontal sync pulses will be output during the vertical sync interval.
- Analogue video sync separation for NTSC, PAL, 480I/P, 576I/P, 720P, 1080I/P/PsF and other
- Composite video (CVBS), S-Video (Y/C) & component video (YPBPR/GBR) & PC graphics (RGsB) interface
- SD/PC Bi-level sync and HD tri-level sync compatible
- Burst/back porch timing, odd/even field and HD detect flag outputs
- Automatic video format detection
- Green product and no Sb/Br
消费电子产品, 车用, 工业