The LM7332MME/NOPB is a dual wide voltage range high output Operational Amplifier with rail-to-rail input/output. The LM7332 has an output current of 100mA, which is higher than that of most monolithic operational amplifiers. Circuit designs with high output current requirements often require discrete transistors because many operational amplifier has low current output. The LM7332 has enough current output to drive many loads directly, saving the space of the discrete transistors. The exceptionally wide operating supply voltage range of 2.5 to 32V alleviates any concerns over functionality under extreme conditions and offers flexibility of use in a multitude of applications. Most parameters of this device are insensitive to power supply variations, this design enhancement is another step in simplifying usage. Greater than rail-to-rail input common mode voltage range allows operation in many applications, including high-side and low-side sensing, without exceeding the input range.