The LM3477AMM is a high-side N-channel MOSFET Switching Regulator Controller can be used in topologies requiring a high side MOSFET such as buck, inverting (buck-boost) and zeta regulators. Its internal push pull driver allows compatibility with a wide range of MOSFETs. This, the wide input voltage range, use of discrete power components and adjustable current limit allows controller to be optimized for a wide variety of applications. It uses a high switching frequency of 500kHz to reduce the overall solution size. Current-mode control requires only a single resistor and capacitor for frequency compensation. The current-mode architecture also yields superior line and load regulation and cycle-by-cycle current limiting. A 5μA shutdown state can be used for power savings and for power supply sequencing. Other features include internal soft-start and output over voltage protection.
Adjustable current limit
1.5% Reference
Thermal shutdown
Frequency compensation optimized with a single capacitor and resistor