The LM317LIPK is an adjustable 3-terminal Positive Voltage Regulator, capable of supplying 100mA over an output-voltage range of 1.25 to 32V. It is exceptionally easy to use and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage. The LM317LIPK device is a 100mA linear regulator with high voltage tolerance up to 35V. The device has a feedback voltage that is relative to the output instead of ground. This ungrounded design allows the LM317L device to have superior line and load regulation. This design also allows the LM317LIPK device to be used as a current source or current sink using a single resistor. Any output voltage from 1.25 to 32V can be obtained by using two resistors. The bias current of the device up to 2.5mA, flows to the output, this current must be used by the load or the feedback resistors. The power dissipation is the product of pass-element voltage and current.
- Output voltage range adjustable 1.25 to 32V when used with external resistor divider
- Output current capability of 100mA
- Input regulation typically 0.01% per input-voltage change
- Output regulation typically 0.5%
- Ripple rejection typically 80dB
- For higher output current requirements
- Green product and no Sb/Br
商业, 医用, 计算机和计算机周边, 消费电子产品