The INA300AIDSQT is an overcurrent-protection Current-Sense Comparator designed for overcurrent protection applications. The device detects overcurrent by measuring the voltage developed across a shunt resistor and comparing that voltage to the threshold voltage input level. The device measures this differential voltage signal on common-mode voltages that can vary from 0 up to 36V, independent of the supply voltage. The device features an adjustable threshold range that is set using a single external limit-setting resistor. A selectable hysteresis feature enables adjustable operation of the comparator to accommodate the wide input signal range of 0 to 250mV. An open-drain alert output on the device can be configured to operate in either a transparent mode where the output status follows the input state or in a latched mode where the alert output is cleared when the latch is cleared.
Programmable threshold - Adjust using single resistor