The INA230EVM is an evaluation module used to evaluate INA230 instrumentation amplifier. The INA230 is a high side current sensor and power monitor with an I2C interface. The INA230 monitors both current and supply voltage, with programmable conversion times and averaging modes. The evaluation module is a platform for evaluating the performance of the INA230 under various signal, shunt, and supply conditions.
- INA230 is a current shunt and power monitor with I2C interface, features 16 programmable addresses
- SM-USB-DIG platform generates analog and digital signals used to communicate with INA230 test board
- INA230 monitors both current and supply voltage with programmable conversion times, averaging modes
- INA230EVM is used for evaluating the performance of the INA230
- Bus voltage sensing from 0V to 28V
电源管理, 消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 测试与测量