The INA139NA/250 is a high-side, unipolar, Current Shunt Monitor. Wide input common-mode voltage range, high-speed, low quiescent current. Input common-mode and power-supply voltages are independent and can range from 2.7 to 40V for the INA139. Quiescent current is only 60μA, which permits connecting the power supply to either side of the current measurement shunt with minimal error. The device converts a differential input voltage to a current output. This current is converted back to a voltage with an external load resistor that sets any gain from 1 to over 100. Although designed for current shunt measurement, the circuit invites creative applications in measurement and level shifting.
- Complete unipolar high-side current measurement circuit
- Independent supply and input common-mode voltages
- Single resistor gain set
- Low quiescent current of 60μA (typical)
- Green product and no Sb/Br
测试与测量, 车用, 通信与网络, 计算机和计算机周边, 便携式器材, 电源管理, 消费电子产品