The EZ430-T2012是一个MSP430 USB stick F2012电路板, which包括three MSP430F2012 based target电路板s 用于the eZ430-F2013 开发工具. The eZ430-F2013 开发工具提供硬件和软件to evaluate the MSP430F2013和develop a 完整的 程序in a convenient USB stick form factor. The eZ430-F2013 支持 the Code Composer Studio和IAR内嵌型Workbench集成 开发 Environments to provide full emulation with the option of设计ing with a stand-alone 系统 or detaching the removable target电路板 to 集成 into an existing设计. The USB端口提供enough power to operate the ultra 低功率MSP430 so no外部power supply is required. The T2012 can be used to develop your personal 程序or to evaluate the MSP430 MCU. The T2012 gives you all the same 功能和外部设备 of the MSP430F2013 on the eZ430, but包括a 高速, eight channel 10bit ADC.
- 三个eZ430-T2012目标电路板, 含有一个4引脚连接器连接eZ430-F2013 USB开发工具
- EZ430开发工具为目标电路板上的MSP430F2012提供调试编程接口
- 完全访问引脚
- LED状态检测指示器
- 便于使用IAR内嵌式工作台集成开发环境
嵌入式设计与开发, 通信与网络