The DS3668N/NOPB is a quad fault-protected Peripheral Driver designed for those applications where low operating power, high breakdown voltage, high output current and low output on voltage are required. Unlike most peripheral drivers available, unique fault protected circuit is incorporated on each output. When the load current exceeds 1A (approximately) on any output for more than a built-in delay time, nominally 12μs, that output will be shutoff by its protection circuitry with no effect on other outputs. This condition will prevail until that protection circuitry is reset by toggling the corresponding input or the enable pin low for at least 1μs. This built-in delay is provided to ensure that the protection circuitry is not triggered by turn-ON surge currents associated with certain kinds of loads. The DS3668s inputs combine TTL compatibility with high input impedance. In fact, its extreme low input current allows it to be driven directly by a MOS device.
- Output fault protection
- High impedance TTL compatible inputs
- Open collector outputs
- Output clamp diodes for inductive fly-back protection
- Low operating power
- Power up/down protection
- Failsafe operation
- No output latch-up at 35V
- Low output on voltage (550mV typical at 600mA)
- High breakdown voltage (70V)
- NPN inputs for minimal input currents (1μA typical)
电机驱动与控制, 发光二极管照明, 工业