The DRV8825EVM is a DRV8825 evaluation module that consists of 2.5A, dual H-bridge motor driver with on chip indexer (step/dir control interface) supporting up to 32 microsteps and a small number external components that can be used to drive a single bipolar stepper motor. The on board MSP430 MCU + software/GUI provides signalling and control. With the evaluation module, designers can quickly and easily evaluate the performance of DRV8825 motor driver in their specific application.
- The DRV8825 can supply up to 2.5A peak or 1.75A RMS output current
- Operating voltage ranges from 8.2V to 45V
- Low RDSON (400mR LS+HS)
- On chip indexer supports up to 32 microsteps
- Thermal and short circuit protection
- All critical control and status signals brought out to test headers
- Includes a MSP430F1612 MCU for signalling and control
机器人, 建筑自动化, 业余爱好与教育用, 便携式器材, 安全, 自动化与过程控制, 消费电子产品, 成像, 视频和目视, 电机驱动与控制