The DRV2605EVM-CT evaluation kit is a complete demo and evaluation platform for the DRV2605 device. The DRV2605 is a haptic driver designed for linear resonant actuators (LRA) and eccentric rotating mass (ERM) motors. It provides many features which help eliminate the design complexities of haptic motor control including reduced solution size, high efficiency output drive, closed loop motor control, quick device startup and auto resonance frequency tracking. The kit includes a microcontroller, linear actuator, eccentric rotating mass motor, sample waveforms and capacitive touch buttons which can be used to completely demonstrate and evaluate the DRV2605.
- Smart loop architecture
- Automatic overdrive and braking (ERM/LRA)
- Automatic resonance tracking (LRA)
- Automatic actuator diagnostics (ERM/LRA)
- Automatic calibration (ERM/LRA)
- I2C digital playback engine
- 123 effect haptic waveform library
- Audio to haptics
- Programmable MSP430 microcontroller
- ERM and LRA actuator
消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 通信与网络, 电机驱动与控制