The DAC8811ICDRBT is a 16-bit serial-input multiplying Digital-to-analog Converter (DAC) designed to operate from a single 2.7 to 5.5V supply. The applied external reference input voltage VREF determines the full-scale output current. An internal feedback resistor (RFB) provides temperature tracking for the full-scale output when combined with an external I-to-V precision amplifier. A serial data interface offers high-speed, 3-wire microcontroller-compatible inputs using data-in (SDI), clock (CLK) and chip-select (CS). On power-up, the DAC register is filled with zeroes and the DAC output is at zero scale.
- 4-quadrant multiplying reference-input
- Reference dynamics -105 THD
- Green product and no Sb/Br
自动化与过程控制, 测试与测量, 传感与仪器, 成像, 视频和目视