The CD40106BM consists of six Schmitt trigger circuits. Each circuit functions as an inverter with Schmitt trigger action on the input. The trigger switches at different points for positive and negative going signals. The difference between the positive going voltage (VP) and the negative going voltage (VN) is defined as hysteresis voltage (VH).
- Schmitt trigger action with no external components
- Hysteresis voltage typ. at 0.9V at VDD = 5V, 2.3V at VDD = 10V, and 3.5V at VDD = 15V
- Noise immunity greater than 50%
- No limit on input rise and fall times
- Standardised, symmetrical output characteristics
- 100% tested for quiescent current at 20V
- Maximum input current of 1μA at 18V over full package temperature range
- Low VDD to VSS current during slow input ramp
音频, 自动化与过程控制, 车用, 消费电子产品, 国防, 军用与航空