The CC430F6137IRGCT is a 16-bit ultralow-power System-on-chip Microcontroller with integrated RF transceiver cores. The device features the powerful MSP430 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The architecture combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life. The device combine the excellent performance of the state-of-the-art CC1101 sub 1GHz RF transceiver with the MSP430 CPUXV2, up to 32kB of in-system programmable flash memory, up to 4kB of RAM, two 16-bit timers, a high-performance 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with eight external inputs plus internal temperature and battery sensors, a comparator, universal serial communication interfaces (USCIs), a 128-bit AES security accelerator, a hardware multiplier, a DMA, a real-time clock (RTC) module with alarm capabilities, an LCD driver and up to 44 I/O pins.
- 16-bit RISC architecture, extended memory, up to 20MHz system clock
- Wake up from standby mode in less than 6μs
- Flexible power-management system with SVS and brownout
- Unified clock system with FLL
- 16-bit Timer TA0, Timer_A with 5 Capture/Compare registers
- 16-bit Timer TA1, Timer_A with 3 Capture/Compare registers
- Hardware real-time clock (RTC)
- Two Universal serial communication interfaces
- 12-bit ADC with internal reference, sample-and-hold and autoscan features
- Integrated LCD driver with contrast control for up to 96 segments
- 128-bit AES security encryption and decryption coprocessor
- 32-bit Hardware multiplier
- 3-channel internal DMA
- Serial on-board programming, no external programming voltage needed
- Embedded emulation module (EEM)
- High-performance Sub-1GHz RF transceiver core
- 300MHz to 348MHz, 389MHz to 464MHz and 779MHz to 928MHz Frequency bands
- Programmable data rate from 0.6kBaud to 500kBaud
- High sensitivity
- Excellent receiver selectivity and blocking performance
无线, 传感与仪器, 计量, 通信与网络, HVAC