The CC4000GPSEM is a CC4000 GPS evaluation module. The CC4000 GPS solution provides a quick, accurate, low cost path to add GPS positioning technology to your product. With unmatched performance, CC4000 can deliver accuracy better than three meters with autonomous time to fix of 35seconds. CC4000s Watchful Eye technology automatically maintains satellite positioning information allowing your solution to stay in low power modes longer. A slim driver coupled with modules from the worlds leading manufacturers reduces development time, complexity and cost by allowing you to get to market quicker with known system performance.
- Fully integrated GPS driver
- NMEA protocol communication (provides time, position, speed, satellite status, and course)
- Autonomous hot start TTFF of approximately 1second in open sky signal conditions
- 162dBm GPS tracking sensitivity
- Single GPIO activates power management for active and deep sleep
- Automatically maintains satellite positioning information, valid for up to 4hrs
- UART host interface
- Based on 6th generation GPS solution shipping for several years (millions of units shipped)
- Enables GPS functionality with all MCUs and MPUs
- Minimal loading on host CPU
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