The CC2520EMK is an add on development kit for CC2520DK. The full stand alone development kit is CC2520DK. The CC2520EMK development kit consists of 2 CC2520EM plug in modules and two antennas. The CC2520EMK is only usable together with a motherboard/host board, typically the SmartRF05EB and CCMSP-EM430F2618, which are both included in the CC2520DK. The board is also compatible with the MSP430F5438 experimenter's board.
- CC2520EMK is an ad on development kit for CC2520DK
- Consists of 2 CC2520EM plug in modules and two antennas
- Can be used with 802.15.4 TIMAC, SimpliciTI and ZigBee software
- CC2520EMK is used together with a motherboard/host board like SmartRF05EB and CCMSP-EM430F2618
射频通信, 通信与网络, 无线, 消费电子产品, 工业, 建筑自动化, 计量