The BQ76PL102RGTT is a PowerLAN dual-cell Li-ion Battery Monitor with PowerPump cell balancing. It is for use with arrays of up to 12 Li-ion rechargeable cells. It connects to one or two cells in a series string, performs voltage and temperature monitoring of each individual cell and reports these parameters over the PowerLAN communication network. Together with a BQ78PL114 master-gateway battery controller, the bq76PL102 forms a complete battery monitoring and management system for higher cell-count applications. Partitioning of the battery monitor function on a per cell basis permits connection and measurement close to the cell. This results in superior accuracy and management over competing solutions. This scheme also facilitates the PowerPump cell balancing system, a technique which actively balances capacities of Li-ion batteries without the excessive heat or limitations of bleed-balancing techniques.
Monitors up to two individual cell voltages and temperatures
Low current consumption
Connects directly to cells, no resistive dividers
Internal LDO regulator for support circuitry
Millivolt measurement resolution using delta-sigma A/D converter