The ADS8568EVM is an evaluation platform for the ADS8568, a 16bit, eight channel, successive approximation register (SAR)-based analog to digital converters (ADCs) with true bipolar inputs. These channels are grouped in four pairs, thus allowing simultaneous high speed signal acquisition of up to 650kSPS. The devices support selectable parallel or serial interface with daisy chain capability. The programmable reference allows handling of analog input signals with amplitudes up to 12V. The ADS8568 supports an auto-sleep mode for minimum power dissipation. The kit has Opal Kelly XEM3010-based MMB1 motherboard that can be used with ADCPro to quickly evaluate the device. ADCPro provides control over all settings of the ADS8568 in parallel interface mode.
- Contains all support circuitry needed for the ADS8568
- Voltage reference options: internal reference, On board REF5025, or external reference
- Analog input bipolar voltage supply options
- Supports serial or high speed parallel interface modes
自动化与过程控制, 电源管理, 电机驱动与控制, 工业, 传感与仪器