The ADS5474EVM is a circuit board which allows the designer to run an evaluation of ADS5474 device, a 14bit 400MSPS analog to digital converter (ADC) that operates from both a 5V supply and 3.3V supply while providing LVDS compatible digital outputs. This ADC is one of a family of 12bit, 13bit, and 14bit ADCs that operate from 210MSPS to 500MSPS. The ADS5474 input buffer isolates the internal switching of the on board track and hold (T&H) from disturbing the signal source while providing a high-impedance input. An internal reference generator is also provided to simplify the system design. Designed with a 1.4GHz input bandwidth for the conversion of wide bandwidth signals that exceed 400 MHz of input frequency at 400MSPS, the ADS5474 has outstanding low noise performance and spurious free dynamic range over a large input frequency range. With the supplied Logic analyzer breakout board, the ADC LVDS output can be directly captured using either an E5405A or P6980 touchless probe.
- ADS5474 is a 14bit, 400MSPS analog to digital converter
- Transformer coupled analog input path
- One input path uses a pair of THS9001 amplifiers
- LVDS capture ability
- Two analog inputs to the ADC are provided via external SMA connectors
测试与测量, 传感与仪器, 电源管理, 射频通信, 通信与网络