The P0061是一个开发和education电路板 用于DE2-115. The DE2 串行 has consistently been at the forefront of educational 开发电路板s by distinguishing itself with an abundance of 接口s to accommodate various application needs. Extending its leadership和success, Terasic announces the latest DE2-115 that features the Cyclone IV E设备. Responding to increased versatile 低成本 spectrum needs driven by the dem和用于mobile视频, voice, data access,和the hunger 用于high quality images, the new DE2-115 offers an optimal balance of 低成本, 低功率和a rich supply of 逻辑,存储器和DSP 功能. The Cyclone EP4CE115设备equipped on the DE2-115 features 114,480 逻辑 elements (LEs), the largest offered in the cyclone IV E 串行, up to 3.9Mbits of RAM,和266 multipliers. In addition, it delivers an unprecedented combination of 低成本和功能ality,和lower power compared to previous generation Cyclone设备.
- Altera cycl一个IV 4CE115 FPGA设备
- USB冲击波编程, 支持JTAG和有源串行(AS)编程模式
- 高速夹层卡(HSMC)连接器
- 24位CD高品质音频编解码器 带线路输入输出和麦克风插座
- VGA数模转换器(8位高速三位数模转换器)带VGA输出连接器
- 两个千兆以太网物理层 带RJ 45连接器
- USB主/从控制器 带USB A型和B型连接器
- RS232 收发器和9引脚连接器
- PS/2 鼠标/键盘连接器
通信与网络, 音频, 成像, 视频和目视, 便携式器材, 工业, 嵌入式设计与开发