The VNH5180A-E is a full-bridge Motor Driver incorporates a dual monolithic high-side driver and two low-side switches. Both switches are designed using STMicroelectronics well known and proven proprietary VIPower? M0 technology that allows to efficiently integrate on the same die a true power MOSFET with an intelligent signal/protection circuitry. It is designed for the harsh automotive environment offers improved thermal performance thanks to exposed die pads. Moreover, its fully symmetrical mechanical design allows superior manufacturability at board level. The input signals INA and INB can directly interface to the microcontroller to select the motor direction and the brake condition.
Under-voltage shutdown
Over-voltage clamp protection
Thermal shutdown
Cross-conduction protection
Current and power limitation
Very low standby power consumption
PWM operation up to 20kHz
Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
Current sense output proportional to motor current
Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC