The STR712FR2T6 is an ARM-powered 32-bit Microcontroller with embedded flash and RAM. It combines the high performance ARM7TDMI CPU with an extensive range of peripheral functions and enhanced I/O capabilities. STR71xF devices have on-chip high-speed single voltage flash memory and high-speed RAM. STR710R devices have high-speed RAM but no internal flash. The STR71x family has an embedded ARM core and is therefore compatible with all ARM tools and software.
59MIPS at 66MHz from SRAM
45MIPS at 50MHz from Flash
External memory interface (EMI) for up to 4 banks of SRAM, flash, ROM
Multi-boot capability
Internal 1.8V Regulator for core supply
Clock input from 0 to 16.5MHz
Embedded RTC oscillator running from external 32kHz crystal
Embedded PLL for CPU clock
Real-time Clock for clock-calendar function
5 Power saving modes - SLOW, WAIT, LPWAIT, STOP and STANDBY modes