STM8A-DISCOVERY helps user discover the STM8AF5288和STM8AL3L68 automotive微控制器features和develop应用through two dedicated application电路板s that can be connected together via a LIN network. The STM8AF电路板 can perform both CAN和LIN 通讯 with the MCU powered at 5V和is ready to be connected into a network with its集成收发器. The STM8AL电路板 manages LIN slave 通讯 through its收发器和使用一个4 digit alphanumeric LCD显示器 with the MCU powered at 3.3V, offering low energy power modes. Both STM8AF和STM8AL电路板s 包括push buttons, LEDs,外部连接器和allow various 配置s to take advantage of the numerous 功能 of the微控制器s.
- 包括板载ST-LINK/V2 用于调试和编程
- 电路板通过 5V USB总线供电
- 内部双路 ST662A 步进转换器, 由USB供电时达12Vdc
- L99PM62GXP电源管理芯片, 带SPI控制接口和高侧驱动器的LIN和CAN
- 扩展针座用于L99PM62GXP 包括继电器, 高压侧输出和唤醒能力
- STM8AF5288T微控制器, 带64K字节闪存, 2K字节数据 EEPROM, LIN, 48引脚封装CAN
- STM8AL3L68T微控制器, 带32K字节闪存, 1K字节数据 EEPROM, 48引脚封装LCD
- 4位数字字母位数LCD显示器 含4条柱显示器
- 扩展针座用于微控制器连接
- 16MHz HSE XTAL 水晶振荡器
车用, 通信与网络